Student Handbook: Your Sneaking Suspicions?

  • 16 October 2009
A Sneaking Suspicion is a book about things that matter—things like life, death, sex, suffering, meaning and God.

This handbook caters for high school students and aims to encourage an engagement with the big ideas of the text. Activities are designed to follow the main flow of the text, offering short responses to the key ideas, along with opportunity to express individual reactions and thoughts.

Set in a contemporary and attractive style, thought-provoking quotes and cartoons support the various activities as they negotiate the terrain covered by John Dickson.

As John explains, what began as a sneaking suspicion has for him blown into a huge reality. The hunch that in looking into Jesus more could be found, eventually uncovered more than he could ever have imagined. This handbook provides the opportunity for students to wrestle with their own suspicions, to respond to the author's ideas, and to consider the person of Jesus and the relevance he might have for their own lives.

The intention is to facilitate a genuine engagement with the material, in a way that will support the teacher and ensure that the student confronts the claims of the text in a personal and meaningful fashion.

The Teacher's Manual is an essential resource to accompany this handbook.

Written by Simon Smart and published by CEP.