On ageing, dying and death

  • Timothy Raymond
  • 18 July 2016

A Happy Old Age (cover)

In today’s post, I thought I’d point readers to one of the most enjoyable, encouraging and helpful books I’ve read so far this year. Oddly enough (especially since I’m only 38), it’s all about how to think and act biblically during the ‘sunset’ years of one’s life. Allow me to explain.

A Happy Old Age by Ashton Oxenden1 is described on the back cover as “a practical, sound, Reformed handbook for seniors”. That’s an apt, though perhaps somewhat dry, description of the book. In essence, A Happy Old Age presents the reader with a comprehensive biblical paradigm for interpreting ageing, dying and death. In 12 brief chapters, Oxenden, Anglican Bishop of Montreal (1808-1892), considers the joys and trials of old age, its temptations and risks, its unique duties, and, perhaps most significantly, how to view physical death as a Christian. I’ve never read a book quite like it, and, in my opinion, it is a true gem.

The strong points of A Happy Old Age are many. First, its thoughts and sentences are straightforward, easy-to-understand and really rather simple, without being simplistic. Any older person who finds that their mind isn’t what it used to be shouldn’t be confused or excessively taxed. Second, the book is thoroughly biblical. The author writes from a strongly evangelical view of Scripture and theology, and desires the reader to think and act biblically. Third, the book is consistently gospel-centred. Oxenden writes as one who enjoyed a close walk with Jesus, and longs for readers to likewise know such an experience by faith in his precious blood. In addition, he is constantly pointing people to Jesus as the true and greatest joy of heaven. Lastly, and perhaps most impressively, A Happy Old Age tackles topics that are essentially taboo in our culture—ageing, dying and death—and does so in a very winsome, loving and even victorious manner.

When was the last time you read or heard anything serious on how to handle dying and death? (Other than on GoThereFor.com, of course!) The entire topic is something our culture cannot process and cannot make sense of. Our world is in continual pursuit of the fountain of youth, and whenever celebrities begin to show their age or approach death, they usually disappear from the public eye. I’m sure that if you invented some snake oil that kept people looking like teenagers into their 80s, you’d be a billionaire overnight. Sadly, Christians living in this context cannot help but be influenced by this view of old age. We assume that older folks have nothing to offer our churches, that they’re more of a liability than a resource, and that truly successful churches are packed with young, hip urbanites with lattes and tattoos. Perhaps worst of all, we don’t really know what to do with death: we don’t feel comfortable talking about it, we’ll rarely teach or preach about it, and we certainly don’t want to be there when somebody else is experiencing it.

This is where A Happy Old Age shatters our culture’s tomfoolery. In God’s universe, ageing, dying and death are not to be hidden away, but are opportunities for Christians to demonstrate the power of the gospel and the sufficiency of Christ. Moreover, for the Christian, ageing, dying and death need not be entirely depressing: for those of us who know God through faith in Jesus’ death and resurrection, the sting of death is gone. Jesus has given us the victory over death and destroyed the one who had the power of death—that is the devil (1 Cor 15:26, 56-57; Heb 2:14). For the Christian, death becomes merely the tunnel through which I pass to be with Jesus forever. A Happy Old Age succeeds with flying colours in helping the reader embrace this far more realistic, yet optimistic, biblical perspective.

A Happy Old Age is not without its minor weaknesses. You’ve got to take into consideration that it was written by an Anglican Bishop in 1861. Consequently, the language and illustrations reflect that context. The author’s vocabulary and style, while easily understandable and clear, is typical of the quaint way people spoke and thought in the 19th century British Empire (think Downton Abbey). Moreover, it seems as if Oxenden wrote primarily for fellow Anglicans: occasional references to parsons, parishes and prayer books are found throughout.

These minor drawbacks aside, A Happy Old Age is an excellent resource on how to interpret and embrace the final years of one’s life biblically. Despite speaking much about death and dying, the book is surprisingly joyful, refreshing and encouraging. It thoroughly moves the reader to long for heaven and, even more so, for Jesus. Since reading A Happy Old Age, I’ve distributed a number of copies to individuals in my congregation (with consistently positive feedback), and I intend to keep a stack on hand on our giveaway table. If you’re in pastoral ministry or are involved with ministry to older folks, I cannot recommend A Happy Old Age strongly enough.


1 Reformation Heritage Books, 2004 (first published 1861).