Edward Vaughan

Why I am anti-gay and pro-homosexual

  • Edward Vaughan
  • 1 May 2007

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What’s wrong with men

  • Edward Vaughan
  • 24 December 1998

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When fatherhood is not a motherhood statement

  • Edward Vaughan
  • 18 February 1998

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A call to repent

  • Edward Vaughan
  • 2 April 1996

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Myth, reality and truth: Spong in Australia

  • Edward Vaughan
  • 21 June 1994

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Should we pump it up?

  • Edward Vaughan
  • 16 September 1993

What is the optimum size for a congregation? From one point of view, the answer seems obvious: you want more and more people in your church because that means more and more people in the kingdom. But it just might be that those two things don't necessarily go together.In the

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Two-Way Traffic

  • Edward Vaughan
  • 23 April 1991

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The pornography of church growth

  • Edward Vaughan
  • 9 April 1991

A postcard from America.Dear Tony,How are you doing? That's what Americans keep asking me. Not ‘how am I going’, but ‘how am I doing’. I have a theory that the difference between American and Australian culture is encapsulated in those simple phrases. The US variety is dynamic, assertive, achievement-oriented. It's

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Shakin’ Revelations

  • Edward Vaughan
  • 5 March 1991

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Christians all over the world hate visitors

  • Edward Vaughan
  • 19 February 1991

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