Emma Thornett

Emma Thornett is the Publishing Coordinator at Matthias Media, where her main role could be described as ‘chief nag’. Emma became a Christian in England in a Baptist church planted by Americans, and now serves in an Anglican church in Sydney's east. She is regularly amazed by God's grace, and mornings are not her favourite part of the day.

The Word, the Spirit and how God speaks to us

  • Emma Thornett
  • 3 December 2015

Evangelicals are sometimes accused of worshipping God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Bible. Over the years, I’ve heard this criticism in many forms.

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Beyond abortion

  • Emma Thornett
  • 1 March 2007

Content unavailable online.

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13 years of waiting

  • Emma Thornett
  • 1 December 2006

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It's the atmosphere that counts

  • Emma Thornett
  • 1 August 2006

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Protecting the unborn

  • Emma Thornett
  • 1 September 2005

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Single-minded marriage

  • Emma Thornett
  • 1 September 2005

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I'm not supposed to feel like this

  • Emma Thornett
  • 1 August 2005

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No regrets?

  • Emma Thornett
  • 1 July 2005

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Eagerly waiting

  • Emma Thornett
  • 1 May 2005

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High-tech baby images cause moral confusion

  • Emma Thornett
  • 1 May 2005

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