Kim Hawtrey

Christianity: A Pocket Guide

  • Kim Hawtrey
  • 16 October 2009

Kim Hawtrey, evangelist and author, has put together this clear and helpful 'pocket' outline of what it means to be a Christian and how to become one. The Gospel is presented both through text and through a visual representation of the Bible's big story. The tract also includes concise answers to common questions, including "Is the Bible trust-worthy?"; "Is Christianity the only way to God?

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Christianity: A Pocket Guide (Chinese translation--traditional)

  • Kim Hawtrey
  • 16 October 2009

Kim Hawtrey, evangelist and author, has put together this clear and helpful 'pocket' outline of what it means to be a Christian and how to become one—faithfully translated into Chinese using traditional characters. The Gospel is presented both through text and through a visual representation of the Bible's big story. The tract also includes concise answers to common questions, including "Is the Bible trust-worthy?"; "Is Christianity the only way to God?

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Christianity: A Pocket Guide (French translation)

  • Kim Hawtrey
  • 16 October 2009

Kim Hawtrey, evangelist and author, has put together this clear and helpful 'pocket' outline of what it means to be a Christian and how to become one—faithfully translated into French. The Gospel is presented both through text and through a visual representation of the Bible's big story. The tract also includes concise answers to common questions, including "Is the Bible trust-worthy?"; "Is Christianity the only way to God?

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Christianity: A Pocket Guide (Spanish translation)

  • Kim Hawtrey
  • 16 October 2009

Kim Hawtrey, evangelist and author, has put together this clear and helpful 'pocket' outline of what it means to be a Christian and how to become one—faithfully translated into French. The Gospel is presented both through text and through a visual representation of the Bible's big story. The tract also includes concise answers to common questions, including "Is the Bible trust-worthy?"; "Is Christianity the only way to God?

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The True and Living God

  • Kim Hawtrey
  • 16 October 2009

In this very readable book, Dr Kim Hawtrey presents a penetrating critique of the bankruptcy of our modern 'idols', and points to the only one who deserves our unswerving devotion: the incomparable Jesus Christ.

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Just a matter of opinion? Straight answers to curly questions #3

  • Kim Hawtrey
  • 1 January 2004

In this series, we have been developing robust and creative responses to some of the most common objections to Christian faith heard today. The first was that all religions are the same, for which we developed a logical response. The second was that religion is just cultural, to which we

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Isn’t religion just cultural? Straight answers to curly questions #2

  • Kim Hawtrey
  • 1 December 2003

In the first article in this series, we looked at the commonly raised objection that all religions are basically the same, and developed a logical response. In this article, we continue to explore common objections. The second feeling that people have revolves around the ‘lottery factor’—the feeling that a person's

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Straight answers to curly questions #1

  • Kim Hawtrey
  • 1 October 2003

‘Can Jesus really be as special as you say?’ Sooner or later, this question will come up when people learn that we are Christian. It may emerge in a number of forms, and be asked in a number of ways, but it is rarely far from the surface. In this

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The Word, the Snake and the Devil

  • Kim Hawtrey
  • 5 April 2000

Content unavailable online.

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Street smart doctrine, Hybels style

  • Kim Hawtrey
  • 9 July 1997

Content unavailable online.

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