Kirsten Birkett

Unnatural Enemies (PDF)

  • Kirsten Birkett
  • 8 March 2011

Downloadable eBook format: PDF (1.55mb) Dr Kirsten Birkett explores the supposed conflict between Science and Christian faith. An ideal book for both Christians and non-Christians.

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The Essence of Darwinism (PDF)

  • Kirsten Birkett
  • 1 March 2010

Dr Kirsten Birkett considers the frequently asked questions about Darwinism. She takes a fresh look at the controversy by getting behind the surface disputes to look at what is really being argued over. This is a PDF download.

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The Essence of Family

  • Kirsten Birkett
  • 16 October 2009

Dr Kirsten Birkett explores the idea of 'family' in modern society, and provides a Christian critique of recent trends.

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The Essence of Feminism

  • Kirsten Birkett
  • 16 October 2009

Dr Kirsten Birkett analyzes the feminist movement and feminist ideology from a Christian perspective.

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The Myths of Science

  • Kirsten Birkett
  • 16 October 2009

Kirsten Birkett puts to rest some of the most prevalent myths surrounding the supposed conflict between Christian faith and science.

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kategoria CD-ROM

  • Kirsten Birkett
  • 16 October 2009

This CD-Rom contains all the published editions of the journal 'kategoria', with a searchable index.

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The Essence of the Reformation

  • Kirsten Birkett
  • 16 October 2009

In this introductory book, Kirsten Birkett brings us the essence of the Reformation—the social and religious soil in which it grew, the events and people that shaped it, and the ideas and doctrines for which many of them died.

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Magic, science and religion

  • Kirsten Birkett
  • 1 June 2008

Content unavailable online.

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Did Christianity really decline?

  • Kirsten Birkett
  • 1 August 2005

The Death of Christian Britain: Understanding secularization 1800–2000 Callum G. Brown Routledge, London and New York, 2001, 256pp. It's an ironic title, is it not? After all, Britain is still, obviously, a place where a mainstream publisher will take on a book which is entirely about the social significance

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Kids 4 Kids

  • Kirsten Birkett
  • 1 July 2004

Content unavailable online.

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