Melvin Tinker

Becoming Conversant with the Emerging Church

  • Melvin Tinker
  • 1 September 2007

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Dawkins' dilemmas

  • Melvin Tinker
  • 1 October 2006

Melvin Tinker puts the work of evolutionary theorist and arch-atheist Richard Dawkins under the microscope.A vicar was travelling on the train one day when a scientist happened to sit next to him. The scientist was an astronomer, and he smiled as he saw the vicar reading his Bible. He said,

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Published Abroad: Whatever happened to the evangelicals?

  • Melvin Tinker
  • 16 December 1993

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Published Abroad: Battle for the MIND

  • Melvin Tinker
  • 3 November 1992

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The Genetic Fallacy

  • Melvin Tinker
  • 5 March 1991

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