Philip Miles

The Nooma revolution

  • Philip Miles
  • 1 May 2007

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Tis the season ... to think outside the square

  • Philip Miles
  • 1 December 2004

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How to face the future

  • Philip Miles
  • 23 December 1999

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True Encouragement

  • Philip Miles
  • 11 April 1999

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A heart to heart on the arts

  • Philip Miles
  • 19 March 1997

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Count your blessings

  • Philip Miles
  • 5 February 1997

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A Puritan’s paradise?

  • Philip Miles
  • 16 April 1996

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Terebi (‘Television’)

  • Philip Miles
  • 5 December 1995

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Who’s on the Japanese throne?

  • Philip Miles
  • 7 November 1995

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Problems with ‘the call’

  • Philip Miles
  • 4 November 1993

It was a happy day for Art and Zelda when they attended the special missionary meeting held at their church. It was there that they first felt specially called by God to go into missionary service. From that time on, they began to speak to others, especially those with a

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