Tim Thorburn

Partners for Life (Philippians)

  • Tim Thorburn
  • 4 November 2013

How can Paul say that "to live is Christ and to die is gain"? (8 studies)

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Changed by the Cross of Christ

  • Tim Thorburn
  • 1 November 2004

The death of Jesus takes many things out of our hands. Christ died instead of me, to pay the penalty for my sinful rebellion against God my creator. He died, so I don’t die. All that is required of me is to sit back and allow Jesus to do it

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Successful Ministry: An Insight on Matthew 28:20

  • Tim Thorburn
  • 1 November 2003

Content unavailable online.

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Rewards in the Age to Come

  • Tim Thorburn
  • 1 June 2003

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Especially for stubborn people

  • Tim Thorburn
  • 1 March 2000

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The Joy of Judgement

  • Tim Thorburn
  • 20 May 1999

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Becoming Christ-like

  • Tim Thorburn
  • 28 January 1998

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Interview: Learning to fish in Perth

  • Tim Thorburn
  • 4 June 1997

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The question NOT to ask

  • Tim Thorburn
  • 3 October 1995

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Changing People

  • Tim Thorburn
  • 20 September 1994

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