Rob Smith

The story of the glory of God (Part 2)

  • Rob Smith
  • 1 August 2009

In part 2 of Rob Smith's series on glory, we see the story of God's glory brought to a ringing climax in the person and work of Jesus Christ. (Read part 1.) 10 July 2009 marks exactly 500 years since the birth of John Calvin, arguably the greatest Christian mind

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The story of the glory of God (Part 1)

  • Rob Smith
  • 1 July 2009

We may not often think about it, but the glory of God is integral to our salvation. In part 1 of a two-part series, Rob Smith takes a look at this theme and shows why it encapsulates the very heart of God's character. (Read part 2.) “What is the chief

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Borers in the pulpit?

  • Rob Smith
  • 1 June 2009

Boring sermons are often the bane of church life. However, it need not be so. Rob Smith offers some reflections on how preachers can minister the word of God more faithfully and more effectively.There's an old joke about churches being afflicted either by borers in the pulpit or white-ants in

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What Job and Jesus teach us about suffering

  • Rob Smith
  • 1 December 2007

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How the Word shapes the Church

  • Rob Smith
  • 1 November 2002

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Can he stand again?

  • Rob Smith
  • 1 January 2002

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  • Rob Smith
  • 7 December 2000

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The New Perspective in action

  • Rob Smith
  • 24 December 1998

All Christian teaching has implications for Christian living. Likewise all doctrine works itself out, one way or another, into a pattern of Christian practice. Having examined the ‘New Perspective’ on justification in the two previous Briefings (#228, #229),1 in this article, we want to explore the ‘cash value’ of the

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Wright up close

  • Rob Smith
  • 3 December 1998

In our last issue, we looked at the way in which the rise of ‘the New Perspective on Paul’ has led to a radical rethinking of the doctrine of justification; one that is at odds with the traditional evangelical understanding inherited from the Reformation. Perhaps the most vocal and best

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Getting in and staying in: The ‘New Perspective’ on justification

  • Rob Smith
  • 12 November 1998

Over the past 20 years, a quiet revolution has been taking place in the study of the Apostle Paul and his doctrine of justification by faith. In the first of a series of articles, we look at what this ‘new perspective’ is.The 16th-century Protestant Reformers had a saying: ecclesia reformata,

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