Chris Braga

Chris trained as an Electrical Engineer, worked as a Science Teacher and now loves to help people become and grow as Christians as Summer Hill Anglican Church in Sydney, where he is the Senior Pastor.
He and Beth have seven children who all make the household a lot of fun. Chris enjoys doing things with the family, graphic design and swimming in the Colo River.

A Word for leaders

  • Chris Braga
  • 4 February 2014

Christian leadership involves a lot of words: sermons preached, Bible studies led, meetings with individuals, families and teams. Words are the pastor’s tools of trade. It makes a lot of sense since words are of crucial importance to Christian people—after all we trust a God who speaks! It means that fundamental to Christian spiritually is

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A quick thought on leadership

  • Chris Braga
  • 29 November 2013

We often think of leadership in terms of the giftedness of a person, how competent and skilled they are in the things they do. It might be organizational management, preaching, vision setting or other skills. However, as much as leadership involves the competencies of a person, without people following it’s

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