Christine Bransdon

Christine is married to Thom and they live and minister in Fairfield. She is on her way to completing a Bachelor of Theology at Moore College and loves it. She likes talking about the needs of south-west Sydney and women’s and gender issues. She tries to stay ‘relevant’ by frequenting Dendy Cinemas and reading Pulitzer Prize winning literature. And listening to Taylor Swift. She epitomises the bleeding heart. She is awestruck that God continues to use her in all of her weaknesses. Christine is part of the group EQUIP Writers.

Meeting real people’s real needs

  • Christine Bransdon
  • 10 November 2015

The Australian government has recently announced that we will receive at least 12,000 Syrian refugees into our community. With countries across the world receiving more and more refugees, I want the church body to be prepared and ready to love and care for those who will soon be joining us.

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