Winnie Chan

Winnie Chan grew up in Carlingford, in Sydney's north-west. In year 11 she googled her local church, picked a service, and has been going ever since, and this is where she came to understand that Jesus gave himself up for her. From 2009-2013, Winnie studied Sport Management and Law at UTS. Last year, she worked as a family lawyer in Sydney's west, before taking up the post of MTS apprentice at St Paul's Anglican in Carlingford at the start of 2015.

Learning godliness from Scripture and a sister

  • Winnie Chan
  • 19 January 2016

As a first year MTS (Ministry Training Strategy) apprentice at my church, St Paul’s Anglican in Sydney’s north-west, I get to help make disciple-making disciples as my full-time job. One of my main ministries and highlights of the week is meeting up with different women in my congregation to read the Bible together and pray for each other, with each other. I also meet up with my trainer, Bon, who pastorally cares for me and teaches me from God’s word as I seek to do the same for others.

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