I am very visible to my neighbours. Every time they stop to wave at my daughter, I find out a little bit more about them, and they about me.
It’s astonishing how quickly my blood can go from body temperature to boiling when my child disobeys me, and how tempting it can be to give in to the rage.
The Lord is equally in control in both the times when he provides many material comforts and those when he tells us to make do.
Who’s had the most influence on your Christian development?
We are intimidated by the communal approach to life displayed by the early church in Acts 2. We are terrified of being defrauded, of suffering wrong. We skim right over having “glad and generous hearts”.
When I glance around my church during the sermon, I don’t see many moving pens or pencils. I do see lots of open Bibles, and a couple of people furiously typing with their thumbs.
A few different ways to stay on task while listening and agreeing with the person praying aloud on your behalf.
When someone gives me a gift, or teaches me something, or takes me somewhere, whenever I use or do or visit in the future, I pray for them.
I recently attended the EQUIP Women Leaders Conference . It was a fantastic time of discussion and discovery. I had several ‘light bulb’ moments… and one moment of despair.