Do your friends know the goodness of the Christian hope? Do you?
In spite of our shortcomings, weaknesses and half-heartedness, our gracious God is the business of answering prayer and shaping us into the image of his Son.
Do you ever feel a sense of guilt or embarrassment when someone mentions one of the great Christian classic works and you’ve never even looked at it?
In this age of authenticity, for something to have meaning, to be helpful in me realizing my humanity, it often needs to be done alone.
Why do we need to have a conference just for women? Why do we have only female preachers at a women’s conference?
Joshua Ng gives an overview of the book of Proverbs, especially in the light of its first nine chapters.
How often are you late? If you’re someone who is consistently late, are your reasons good? Maybe you’ve never even considered your lateness to be an issue.
Whether biblically mandated or not, there are benefits in having a day of rest and of setting Sunday apart as special.