Alan Stewart

Ministry mistakes: the tyranny of time

  • Alan Stewart
  • 1 May 2003

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The servant’s paradox: Part III

  • Alan Stewart
  • 1 September 2002

The last of Al Stewart's columns exploring the tensions in Christian life and ministry.Here's one more paradox for those living to serve Christ and to grow his kingdom. It's one which has been taxing my mind, because it goes to the heart of what Christians believe. We live in the

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The servant’s paradox: Part II

  • Alan Stewart
  • 1 August 2002

Is the Devil defeated? Well, yes—but, no.Do Christians stop sinning? No—but, yes.Are their leaders to blame? Of course not, but, umm … yeah.This month, let's look at a few paradoxes to do with the ‘now and not yet’ nature of Christian life and service. We live in the resurrection age,

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Dear Briefing: Sex before marriage

  • Alan Stewart
  • 1 December 2001

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When should I shut up?

  • Alan Stewart
  • 12 November 1998

How to run a dialogue meetingWhat's a ‘dialogue meeting’? It's one of those old jargon terms for a meeting arranged so that a single Christian speaker can discuss (dialogue) the claims of Christ with a group of non-Christians without too many Christians butting in. Perhaps these days we would call

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Customs Check

  • Alan Stewart
  • 21 November 1995

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Impressing the Boomers

  • Alan Stewart
  • 21 February 1995

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Preacher’s Gifts

  • Alan Stewart
  • 13 December 1994

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Your Bible: Coming Soon

  • Alan Stewart
  • 2 April 1994

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Terry Lane - The Review

  • Alan Stewart
  • 16 December 1993

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