Peace with God (Romans)

  • Gordon Cheng
  • 22 July 2013

In his letter to the Romans, Paul shows us that there is only one way back to peace, and that is through trusting in the work of Jesus. (9 studies; leader's notes included)

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Pop goes the Gospel

  • 15 September 1988

Scientists say that the only really earth-shattering event was when the earth collided with Mars to form the moon. This is a load of garbage. The only really earth-shattering event was when Jesus had the guts to die for the world, and by doing this, turn God's anger away from

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Guidance and the Voice of God

  • 16 October 2009

Part of our Guidebooks for Life series, this book from Phillip Jensen and Tony Payne explores the way God guides us in our everyday life.

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The Everlasting Purpose

  • Broughton Knox
  • 1 June 2015

Understanding predestination.

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Commentary: Philippians, Ezra, Nehemiah

  • John Woodhouse
  • 15 September 1988

Content unavailable online.

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Word and Bible: The God of Word III

  • John Woodhouse
  • 3 October 1988

In this, the final article of his series, John Woodhouse looks at the connection between the Word of God and The Bible. Are they one and the same? Does God speak new words today? Where there is the word of God, and faith in God because of that word, there

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Two Ways to Live: The choice we all face (Spanish translation)

  • 16 October 2009

This version of the Two Ways to Live: The choice we all face tract, is a faithful translation into Spanish.

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Out of Darkness (Exodus 1-18)

  • Andrew Reid
  • 22 October 2013

The extraordinary story of God's rescue of Israel and how this story points to Christ. (8 studies)

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Jesus Through Old Testament Eyes

  • Matthew Jensen
  • 22 July 2013

These eight studies investigate how the New Testament uses the Old Testament to present the gospel of Jesus.

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