The Eye of the Storm (Job)

  • Bryson Smith
  • 4 November 2013

Examine the heart of Job and what it teaches us about life. (6 studies)

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Christians in Society

  • Tony Payne
  • 15 August 1989

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The Search for Meaning (Ecclesiastes)

  • Tim McMahon
  • 4 November 2013

Challenges us to live with hope and faith In a world obsessed with pleasure. (9 studies)

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What on earth are we doing?

  • Tony Payne
  • 1 September 1989

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Building the Christian library: J. I. Packer

  • 1 September 1989

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To the Householder (1 Timothy)

  • 4 November 2013

How should we live and relate together as God's holy household? (9 studies)

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A Medical View of Miraculous Healing

  • 15 September 1989

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Some Observations on Healing

  • 15 September 1989

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Insights: Spiritual Gifts

  • 15 September 1989

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Insights: A Well-Known Race Re-Run ...

  • Keith Birchley
  • 2 October 1989

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