In our instruction of our children we need to make sure, even as we convey knowledge, that the deep and intensely personal aspects of our faith are communicated too.
How would you describe what repentance looks like in the life of a Christian? Do you ramble on about church attendance, Bible and prayer, or do you reel off a list of dos and don’ts?
Taking the initiative and asking a fellow Christian who is further along in their walk to read with us can provide accountability, increased understanding, and growth in ways that reading and learning alone wouldn’t.
Bible-believing Christians have always recognized the category of the tender-hearted soul. This is the true believer who is nonetheless overly anxious, almost obsessive, about their spiritual state.
What happens when I’m not sure I’ve read the Bible correctly? What happens when the person next to me is sure that I haven’t read it correctly? How can I know I’m right?
How do you preach at a wedding? How do you give a funeral message? How do you prepare a graduation or ordination address?
The Roman Catholic Church considers itself to be the centre of, not just Christian unity, but world unity. That after all is what the word Catholic means: according to the whole. Yet many things the Catholic Church does result in great division.
Are you familiar with Part B of the Lord’s Prayer?
A disparaging view of young adults is not biblical.