
  • 19 February 1991

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The Medjugorje Message

  • 5 March 1991

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Versions of Reality

  • Tony Payne
  • 5 March 1991

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Put not your trust in princes

  • 5 March 1991

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The Genetic Fallacy

  • Melvin Tinker
  • 5 March 1991

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Shakin’ Revelations

  • Edward Vaughan
  • 5 March 1991

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Undressing pornography

  • 19 March 1991

Pornography is a $7 billion-a-year industry worldwide. Pornographic films outnumber other films by three to one, and gross $1 million a day in the USA alone. British pornographic magazines sell 20 million copies a year. One American man in 10 reads Playboy, Penthouse or Hustler each month. Italian men spend

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Over to you

  • Tony Payne
  • 19 March 1991

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Baptism into Death

  • 19 March 1991

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Building Christ-centred youth work

  • 19 March 1991

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