Murmurings from the closet

  • 8 March 1994

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Will Bat Tennis Do? Christian video: Is it worth it?

  • Greg Clarke
  • 8 March 1994

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The new unimproved Jesus

  • 8 March 1994

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Factotum #1: The Ministry of the Pew

  • Colin Marshall
  • 21 March 1994

The ‘Pew Prayer’ Some years ago a pastor, Ray Ewers, instructed me in the finer art of how to walk into church. To most people, this might appear to be a rather basic accomplishment requiring little or no tutelage. Perhaps a family with five toddlers would appreciate some advice, but

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The day I went to church

  • Neil Prott
  • 21 March 1994

I was desperate; maybe religion would help. My wife had just been given three months to live, and so I decided to go to church.I admit I was a bit reluctant. I had no idea what to expect, and didn't know anyone who went there. I thought a couple of

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Until the end of the world - a conversation with Don Carson

  • Greg Clarke
  • 21 March 1994

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Let’s get rid of priorities

  • Gordon Cheng
  • 21 March 1994

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Read it aloud

  • Peter Hastie
  • 2 April 1994

My most vivid recollection of 5th class is of my teacher, Peter Harwin, perched on his desk, reading aloud from the collected stories of Sherlock Holmes. I remember looking around and seeing boys sprawled face down on their desks while this fresh-faced teacher brought to life another spine-chilling instalment of

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Lot’s Joke

  • John McClean
  • 2 April 1994

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Your Bible: Coming Soon

  • Alan Stewart
  • 2 April 1994

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