Published Abroad: Word-Faith under fire

  • 7 March 1995

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Scrap All Christian Meetings

  • Gordon Cheng
  • 21 March 1995

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Magic and the New Age

  • Kirsten Birkett
  • 21 March 1995

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Soft sell, same product

  • Tony Payne
  • 21 March 1995

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He-he isn’t Lord

  • Kirsten Birkett
  • 21 March 1995

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A moment’s brief epiphany

  • Michael Jensen
  • 21 March 1995

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Here we stand?

  • Greg Clarke
  • 4 April 1995

J. I. Packer, Os Guinness and Charles Colson have all signed it. John MacArthur labels it “destructive”. R. C. Sproul puts it down to “doctrinal apathy”.Some high profile religious leaders have published a document calling for evangelicals and Roman Catholics to put aside their “petty differences” and work together for

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Pope Fiction

  • 4 April 1995

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In praise of Quigley

  • 4 April 1995

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