Published Abroad: Angel envy

  • 6 February 1996

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Published Abroad: Princesses of pain

  • 6 February 1996

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Published Abroad: Observations of a friend

  • Don Carson
  • 6 February 1996

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Small talk, big issue

  • Kel Richards
  • 20 February 1996

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Confessions of a teenage praise junkie

  • Tony Payne
  • 20 February 1996

The scene remains vivid in my memory, though it is nearly 20 years ago now.I am sitting in my bedroom at the side of our big old farmhouse, a teenager, listless at that time of the evening when anything is better than homework. It is a warm summer night and

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Worship and the didgeridoo

  • John Dickson
  • 20 February 1996

As a proud didgeridoo player, I am keenly aware of the attraction of pagan worship forms.There is nothing quite like sitting peacefully in the bush blowing intensly down a long hollowed log. The earthy sound of the didg, combined with the backup vocals of the kookuburras, and the hyperventilation of

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The Zed Interview

  • Greg Clarke
  • 20 February 1996

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Media Watch

  • Greg Clarke
  • 5 March 1996

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God’s Prayer Book

  • Tony Payne
  • 5 March 1996

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Only in the movies

  • Kirsten Birkett
  • 5 March 1996

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