Marriage is a gift from God. It is a blessing. But it is also a tool God uses for our sanctification. As it is with the most valuable diamonds, strong and joyful marriages take time and are often forged through great pressure.
Even though our first pregnancy had successfully produced a healthy baby boy, we unexplainably couldn’t carry a pregnancy to term anymore.
One sinner plus one sinner doesn’t equal zero conflict. You cannot avoid it because marriage is an unconditional covenant and commitment to an imperfect and sinful person.
What should we do to be better listeners of the preached word of God and to be spiritually nourished despite being online?
Because our sins live in the dark, we don’t see them unless we turn the light on.
Spending time in God’s word together brings light and life to your household because the home is primarily where Christianity is taught and caught.
A cloud of perfect people might make me feel self-conscious. But a cloud of faithful witnesses who are just like me—that sustains me.
It is impossible for a human to achieve perfection in this life, to hold ourselves together and live totally devoid of sin.
We are all tempted to discriminate between parts of God’s word. This could be by giving more attention to parts that we like, highlighting only what stands out to us as encouraging, or steering clear of Scripture we dislike.
Jesus famously cries out from the cross, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Why did he say this?