Chasing fantasies

  • Andrew Lansdown
  • 18 October 2000

When I think about gambling I think about a comment our first daughter made when she was just six years old. Overhearing my wife and I discussing whether or not we had enough money to buy something, she chipped in, “Why don't you buy a Lotto ticket? Then you'll get

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The Parable of the Bacteria

  • Kel Richards
  • 18 October 2000

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Interview: Journey into Feminism (and out again)

  • Greg Clarke
  • 18 October 2000

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Every green plant? Drugs and the Christian

  • Greg Clarke
  • 8 November 2000

I have a folder of articles on the benefits of smoking. It's a thin folder. There are, however, a few noteworthy benefits: relaxation, settling effects for people with nervous disorders, increased concentration, suppression of appetite. You can't say that smoking is all bad. Everything that God created is good and

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From Pokemon to Alzheimer’s

  • 8 November 2000

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Net Evangelism: an update

  • 8 November 2000

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Billy Graham, and the Future of Evangelism

  • John Chapman
  • 8 November 2000

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The blessing of infertility

  • 7 December 2000

I'm surprised that in this world of political correctness, the word ‘infertility’ still exists. I would have thought by now that my wife and I would have been classed among the ‘reproductively challenged’, or some other ghastly term. ‘Infertility’ is certainly a word we have both come to know and

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The Christianity of Costello

  • Michael Fischer
  • 7 December 2000

The Reverend Tim Costello is famous. Not simply because he’s the brother of the Australian Treasurer, but for a ministry of social action which in its own right has had a wide influence and enjoys a good reputation. From legal practice and street ministry in St Kilda, to being the

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