Shark gives sex education

  • 1 August 2002

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The demise of the prayerful church

  • Mark Thompson
  • 1 August 2002

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Time for action on stem cells

  • Tony Payne
  • 1 August 2002

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Lies, damned lies ...

  • Tony Payne
  • 1 August 2002

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... and statistics

  • Tony Payne
  • 1 August 2002

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Meanwhile, Anglicans bless gay unions

  • Tony Payne
  • 1 August 2002

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Be yourself somewhere else

  • 1 August 2002

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Keep a close watch: tips for teaching children well

  • Stephanie Carmichael
  • 1 August 2002

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The servant’s paradox: Part III

  • Alan Stewart
  • 1 September 2002

The last of Al Stewart's columns exploring the tensions in Christian life and ministry.Here's one more paradox for those living to serve Christ and to grow his kingdom. It's one which has been taxing my mind, because it goes to the heart of what Christians believe. We live in the

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We need more churches: church planting in the Adelaide Hills

  • Chris Edwards
  • 1 September 2002

The church planting experience of Holy Trinity North Terrace.What's at the heart of your church? It's either an easy question or a trick question. Answering ‘God’ or ‘Jesus’ used to get me through the Sunday School quizzes, but will these answers work for me now? Trick question or not, it

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