The gods of the body

  • Jack Mock
  • 1 January 2003

Concerning the body, CS Lewis suggests that Christians have tended to oscillate uneasily between contemptuous denigration and extravagant deification, whereas what is required is glad and obedient acceptance. In his book The Four Loves, he says that broadly speaking there are three different views of the body. There are “the

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Everyone else is getting married

  • 1 January 2003

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Worship warriors

  • Greg Clarke
  • 1 January 2003

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A new kind of science

  • Greg Clarke
  • 1 January 2003

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Aliens and Strangers: The scope of the Kingdom and the logic of the gospel

  • Brian Rosner
  • 1 January 2003

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Introducing ... Introducing God: An interview with Dominic Steele

  • Greg Clarke
  • 1 January 2003

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Preach and sing in unison

  • 1 January 2003

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One more defensive manoeuvre

  • Greg Clarke
  • 1 January 2003

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The Sabbath Rest

  • Joshua Ng
  • 1 February 2003

WorkaholismWorkaholism is an addiction that needs remedy, much like alcoholism. Its symptoms are clear: long hours getting longer, work priorities overriding family and church; no time for recreation (what's that?!). Workaholics can't even go on holidays without taking their ball-and-chain mobile phone or laptop. But what is the underlying disease?

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The Prince and the Porker: Men and female beauty

  • 1 February 2003

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