Primates in action

  • Kirsten Birkett
  • 1 December 2003

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Ethical cable

  • Kirsten Birkett
  • 1 December 2003

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True manhood

  • Kirsten Birkett
  • 1 December 2003

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Reinforcing the Foundations

  • Claire Smith
  • 1 December 2003

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Jekyll and Hyde?

  • 1 December 2003

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Church and worship

  • 1 December 2003

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Just a matter of opinion? Straight answers to curly questions #3

  • Kim Hawtrey
  • 1 January 2004

In this series, we have been developing robust and creative responses to some of the most common objections to Christian faith heard today. The first was that all religions are the same, for which we developed a logical response. The second was that religion is just cultural, to which we

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Introducing God (the course) by Dominic Steele

  • John Chapman
  • 1 January 2004

These days we are blessed with an abundance of evangelistic courses. Here, John Chapman reviews one of the latest on offer—a course that combines the sociology of Alpha with the theology of Two ways to live.Introducing God is the latest and, in my opinion, the best of the ‘Alpha’-type courses

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21st century singleness

  • Jane Tooher
  • 1 January 2004

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The ethics of DNA

  • Megan Best
  • 1 January 2004

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