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A Shattered World

  • John McClean
  • 18 October 1994

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The Mackay Report

  • Tony Payne
  • 18 October 1994

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Trinity vs Modernity

  • 18 October 1994

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Published Abroad: A Christian’s self-worth?

  • 18 October 1994

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Published Abroad: The thunderbolt temptation

  • 18 October 1994

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The Church and the denominations

  • 4 October 1994

Used by permission. First published in Reformed Theological Review, 23 (1964).The important word ‘church’ is used in current language with at least six different meanings. For example, it is used for a building, a denomination, or a profession. But interestingly enough it is seldom used in its basic New Testament

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Chopping Poppies: Australian culture in church life

  • 4 October 1994

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Factotum #3: One-to-one prayer and Bible reading

  • Colin Marshall
  • 20 September 1994

Factotum is designed to equip us as slaves of our Lord Jesus Christ. Each edition provides a new piece of ‘equipment’ for ministry to others. This time we look at one-to-one Bible reading and prayer.The following is a true story. Last Friday, two friends met to read the Bible, pray

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Changing People

  • Tim Thorburn
  • 20 September 1994

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I believe in heresy - American bishop

  • John McClean
  • 20 September 1994

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