Latest Ideas

Why your church should give books away this Christmas

  • Ian Carmichael
  • 18 November 2016

There are at least seven very good reasons why your church should be getting gospel books ready to give away to Christmas visitors.

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How can I help?: The doing of pastoral care

  • Sally Sims
  • 17 November 2016

Tips for helping fellow Christians who are going through a difficult time.

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Nine things Titus 2 women do

  • Tara Sing
  • 14 November 2016

Women are encouraged in the book of Titus to be active in looking after the next generation, teaching and modelling to them how to be a woman of God.

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The A to Z of Hosea

  • James Stone
  • 10 November 2016

Do you mentally switch off when you come across a strange placename in the Bible? Here is a guide to Admah and Zeboiim that will help you better understand Hosea.

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A letter of hope

  • Craig Glassock
  • 7 November 2016

Craig Glassock explains how God used a letter from a suffering saint to help him cling to Christ.

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The heart of the matter: The being of pastoral care

  • Sally Sims
  • 3 November 2016

Pastoral care flows out of God’s grace and the Christian love and integrity which should follow. Being must come before doing.

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Keeping growth groups on time

  • Richard Sweatman
  • 31 October 2016

Does your group struggle to start and end at the agreed-upon times? Here are some reasons to stay on time, and strategies to help you do it.

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Il metodo svedese

  • Peter (Pedro) Blowes
  • 27 October 2016

'The Swedish Method' translated into Italian.

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Start a Vine Project Team

  • Colin Marshall
  • 27 October 2016

An interview with Colin Marshall, answering some questions you may have about kicking off the Vine Project in your church.

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Good to great: Speaking how you speak, not how you write

  • James Harricks
  • 24 October 2016

When you preach, does it sound like you're reading an essay? Or does your minister struggle to get his mouth around his written notes?

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