Then shall the lame man leap like a deer: God and the Disabled

  • 29 July 1999

28 years ago, my wife Gaye gave birth to our second daughter. After a very long labour and a breach birth, Leah was born four weeks early. We suspected that something was wrong with her quite early on. She was misdiagnosed at 18 months with cerebral palsy, but Leah never

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Further Interchange on ‘The Design of Genesis’

  • 1 February 2007

Below is a section of letters we received after publishing the Interchange Special on ‘The Design of Genesis’ in Briefing #339 (December 2006):Like many of your readers, I found the October issue of The Briefing stimulating reading, and have enjoyed reading the responses in the December issue. One of the

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  • 1 February 2007

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A little piece of fun

  • Phillip Jensen
  • 1 February 2007

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Introducing God

  • 1 February 2007

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Animal activists bite Singer

  • Tony Payne
  • 1 February 2007

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Should we remember the poor?

  • Brian Rosner
  • 1 February 2007

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Learning to drive

  • Ian Carmichael
  • 1 February 2007

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Anglican follies

  • Tony Payne
  • 1 February 2007

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