The video evolution

  • Tony Payne
  • 1 October 2007

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Hurt: Inside the world of today’s teenagers

  • 1 October 2007

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The eternal gospel

  • Gordon Cheng
  • 1 October 2007

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The next pandemic

  • Gordon Cheng
  • 1 October 2007

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What is arrogance?

  • Tony Payne
  • 1 October 2007

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Don’t waste your second life

  • 1 October 2007

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Apologetics and idiot drivers

  • Gordon Cheng
  • 1 October 2007

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Would Jesus wear Prada?

  • 1 October 2007

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Your money and your heart

  • 1 October 2007

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Putting the FUN back in fundraising

  • 1 October 2007

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