Excelling in exam season

  • Rusdyan Cocks
  • 3 November 2021

When it comes to measuring our performance in exam season, we all have different standards. But what standard should we aim for as followers of Jesus?

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Teach the tension

  • Chris Drombetta
  • 1 September 2015

I don’t typically think of tension as a good thing. The stress of life, throbbing headaches, tight shoulders, difficult meetings, and arguments at home are not my favorite experiences. However, I was recently reminded again that tension is quite important as we teach our people the Bible.

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Anything worth doing is worth doing badly: A chapter from Wisdom in Leadership

  • Craig Hamilton
  • 10 September 2015

Doing things well and developing new leaders are both valuable and necessary objectives. The trouble is that these two agendas often clash. Training someone up means, almost by definition, that in the beginning they won’t be particularly good at whatever it is they’re learning to do. And they almost certainly won’t be as good at it as you are.

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Classics from the archives: God's plan for work

  • The Briefing
  • 25 July 2016

In this 'Briefing' classic from the archives, Paul Grimmond changes the way we think about work.

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Christmas Card K (pack of 10)

  • 20 November 2013

FRONT: News of great joy INSIDE: The angel said to them, "Do not be afaid. Listen, I am here to bring you good news of great joy which is for all the people; today, a Saviour has been born to you in the city of David. He is Christ the Lord." The Gospel of Luke, chapter 2, verses 10 to 11 Pack of 10 cards with envelopes.

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One Pastor’s Journey: From “the sermon is everything” to “the sermon is essential but insufficient” (Part 2)

  • Timothy Raymond
  • 21 February 2014

In my last post, I introduced this mini-series and tried to describe some of the pitfalls which can occur when a pastor attempts to do all (or nearly all) his ministry through his Sunday sermon. Like I said there, Sunday sermons are wonderful and essential and life-giving and edifying, but

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Setting Hearts on Fire

  • John Chapman
  • 17 October 2013

John Chapman, one of Australia's best and most experienced evangelists, provides a guide to giving evangelistic talks.

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How to rule the world

  • Lionel Windsor
  • 12 December 2018

The world has positive value in God’s eyes, simply because it was created by him. As humans rule, we have to remember that we are ruling something God has made and that God believes is good.

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Working alongside men in ministry

  • Lauren Driscoll
  • 27 August 2018

Tracey has no new, radical beliefs—she just trusts the Bible. But from her years in the field she’s learned some great life lessons as to how men and women can work well together in ministry.

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