In this very readable book, Dr Kim Hawtrey presents a penetrating critique of the bankruptcy of our modern 'idols', and points to the only one who deserves our unswerving devotion: the incomparable Jesus Christ.
Dr Patricia Weerakoon, Sexologist, provides a frank (and explicit) guide to a happy and fulfilled sex life and to understanding God's purpose for sexuality within marriage.
The second of three volumes of collected works of Broughton Knox, who was Principal of Moore Theological College from 1959 to 1985, and profoundly influenced the Church in Sydney and beyond. This volume focuses on Dr Knox's writings on the church and ministry. This book is a PDF download (it is no longer available in print).
'The Other Jesus' is a six panel fold out leaflet which challenges the reader to find out about the real Jesus by reading the Gospels. Useful for: Christmas giveaways; leafleting/doorknocking; missions; inserting into Christmas cards.
Kim Hawtrey, evangelist and author, has put together this clear and helpful 'pocket' outline of what it means to be a Christian and how to become one. The Gospel is presented both through text and through a visual representation of the Bible's big story. The tract also includes concise answers to common questions, including "Is the Bible trust-worthy?"; "Is Christianity the only way to God?
GTK: Get To Know is a simple four-week program for newcomers to help them: get to know God, your church, some other people, and one of your ministry staff.