Latest Ideas

Down-under round-up: 12 August 2015

  • Sandy Grant
  • 12 August 2015

A new anti-religion-in-schools billboard, what has happened to penal substitutionary atonement, the darker side of predestination, a reminder to keep evangelism on the table, and a Psalm of encouragement for those who are suffering.

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Don't let it fall off the table!

  • Stephen Liggins
  • 11 August 2015

Unless we are very deliberate and diligent, evangelism will almost always ‘fall of the table’ when push comes to shove in church (or Christian group) practice.

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Como empezar un grupo bíblico

  • Pedro y Teresa Blowes
  • 10 August 2015

La meta con este estilo de lectura bíblica es de promover la participación de todos.

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Disciple-making ministry tip: Don't count sheep!

  • Shirley Mainstone
  • 10 August 2015

Many older people—and some younger ones too—have difficulty sleeping right through the night, spending hours or minutes trying to go to sleep. Many years ago, I was discussing insomnia with Dr Paul White, the famous “Jungle Doctor”. He stated, “If I can’t sleep, I don’t count sheep, I talk to the Shepherd.” The idea fascinated me, as a very frustrating time could then be used for something worthwhile.

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Dirección en cómo ser un hombre

  • Peter Sholl
  • 10 August 2015

Como varones cristianos, debemos ser dirigidos por la palabra de Dios y por Su deseo para un hombre cristiano, no por nuestros deportistas y comentaristas deportivos, publicistas, o auto-proclamados gurús de vida.

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Is your church a safe house for criminals?

  • Andrew Barry
  • 7 August 2015

When Jesus arrived in Jerusalem, he wept bitterly over the people and spoke about the temple’s imminent obliteration, in part because the temple was operating as a “den of robbers” (Luke 19:41-46). The inspection grade was a clear fail!

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Down-under round-up: 5 August 2015

  • Sandy Grant
  • 5 August 2015

Links that matter on Australia and racism, four reasons to expect fruit, family devotions, The Gospel Coalition Australia, the redefinition of marriage, and transgender issues from a doctor's perspective.

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What prize are we trying to win?

  • Adrian Russell
  • 4 August 2015

In 1 Corinthians 9:24, the Apostle Paul urges Christians: “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it.” I have often heard people explain this verse as an exhortation to strive hard for salvation, to endure in faith, to persevere in love, to remain steadfast in hope, and take hold of the prize—eternal life.

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Families that break

  • Chris Drombetta
  • 3 August 2015

One of the bedrock families in our congregation just lost their matriarch. I’m thinking about ways that I could have been, and hope to be, more helpful to this family. So with minimal personal editing and the vulnerability of the moment, here are some things for us to remember as we walk with families that break.

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What’s in the bad bracket?

  • Tony Payne
  • 31 July 2015

English evangelical vicar Melvin Tinker recently found himself the subject of a media storm for daring to say that homosexual sex was morally wrong. This was in response to the decision by his local Canon to support and bless a gay pride rally, including draping a rainbow flag on the steps of York Minster.

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