Reading into discipleship: Sharing words

  • Laura Denny
  • 23 May 2018

Is writing out and sending quotations from a good book containing biblical truth considered discipleship?

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Are you serving junk food at your Sunday gatherings?

  • Angus Martin
  • 3 February 2020

It’s easy to be someone who merely gets up and says what is happening next, who picks regular popular songs instead of spending the time reflecting on what songs would fit best.

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Calling to ministry

  • Tim Grant
  • 3 July 2015

Regularly when I sit down with someone, they’ll use the phrase ‘called to ministry’. I don’t have a dislike of this phrase, it can be very useful—only when most people use it, it isn’t.

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Down-under round-up: 15 July 2015

  • Sandy Grant
  • 15 July 2015

Important reads on Aboriginal evangelists, the pitfalls and positives of pastoring a small church, temptations when discipling, music and discernment, and liberalism.

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The Christian passport

  • Phillip Jensen
  • 14 July 2015

Passports are really important. You can’t enter the kingdom of heaven with the wrong one. You can’t use anybody else’s passport. You have to have your own. It must be current. It must not be a fake or forgery. It must be recognised by the government. Without the right passport there is no entry into God’s kingdom.

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Biblical recruitment: Cross-shaped servants

  • Peter Tong
  • 13 July 2015

If the human-centered approach to serving in church doesn’t happen to be the one you want to foster, then perhaps you could try these tips for encouraging a cross-shaped mindset for ministry.

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The art of biblical interpretation: Inspiration and interaction

  • John McClean
  • 6 July 2015

The third in this series on reading the Bible well. This time John looks at how knowing that God's word is his changes how we approach it.

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Redefining marriage

  • Tony Payne
  • 1 July 2015

Amidst all the sound and fury about same-sex marriage, it’s often hard to find a straight-forward, clear, thoughtful Christian defence of what marriage is. Sandy Grant has had a crack, and a very good one, in this recent public lecture at St Michael’s Wollongong.

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The reluctant Swedish reader

  • Carl Matthei
  • 23 May 2015

I am a reluctant convert to the Swedish Method for Bible study. I read the Briefing article all of those years ago and decided to try it out in a couple of Bible study groups. It didn’t work! It didn’t seem to make group members think deeply enough about the passage, and it seemed to promote surface-level easy answers.

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Why your church should give books away this Christmas

  • Ian Carmichael
  • 18 November 2016

There are at least seven very good reasons why your church should be getting gospel books ready to give away to Christmas visitors.

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