Has the Church become captive to the spirit of the age? Many believe that Martin Luther's fears, which led him to write The Babylonian Captivity of the Church, certainly apply to the modern Protestant church. Michael Horton, professor of systematic theology and apologetics at Westminster Theological Seminary in California, believes
The Trellis and the Vine: The ministry mind-shift that changes everythingColin Marshall and Tony PayneMatthias Media, Kingsford, 2009. 196pp.(AUS | US)Mark Dever must have been exaggerating. This is what I thought when I read his endorsement: “the best book I've read on the nature of church ministry”. Coming from Mark,
Martin Ayers has recently published his first book, Naked God (AUS | US). Paul Grimmond caught up with him recently to talk about what motivated the book and what it's like to be an author for the first time. Paul Grimmond: What's it been like to write your first
Tony Payne finds his spiritual ancestors in 19th-century American Methodism, and pinpoints what drove them (and him) to seek the miraculous.In 2008, during some research for a paper on the history of ‘deliverance ministries’, I found myself ferreting around in 19th-century American Methodism.Fascinating, I hear you groan.It was for me,
Who would you regard as the more significant influence upon your Christian life and thinking: John Stott or Mark Driscoll? In Sydney, where I live, nearly everyone over the age of 40 has only one answer to that question: through his books and articles, and his occasional visits over
The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism Tim Keller Dutton, Penguin, New York, 2008. 293pp. Hodder & Stoughton, London, 2008. 320pp. Tim Keller’s The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Scepticism is a pleasant, readable introduction to the gospel, set in the context
Carl Trueman is the Academic Dean and Professor of Historical Theology and Church History at Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, as well as a Consulting Editor for Themelios. Paul Grimmond caught up with Carl when he was in Australia in 2009. Paul Grimmond: I understand that one of your great passions
My friend and I were visiting another friend's church, enduring that uncomfortable time after the service when you stand around, a cup of lukewarm tea in one hand and an Arnott's biscuit in the other, feeling like you have the word ‘visitor’ tattooed across your forehead and waiting for someone
Did the Apostle Paul come up with the Christian faith? Did he misrepresent Jesus’ teaching? Furthermore, why do Paul’s critics accuse him of having done so? Paul of Tarsus Paul of Tarsus was very impressive in his times, and has had a powerful influence on world history and culture. His
It is a little-known fact that Calvin and the Genevan Consistory sent hundreds of trained missionaries into France and the rest of the Europe to preach the gospel and plant new congregations of believers. In this interview, The Briefing talks to Al Stewart about the ongoing importance of church planting