Motivated, reproducing, applied Bible reading: The Swedish Method

  • Peter (Pedro) Blowes
  • 23 May 2015

Bible reading with ready ears and an open heart is engaging and fruitful. There’s something fresh about letting God speak for himself, especially when you search the Bible yourself, making the effort to hear.

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The reluctant Swedish reader

  • Carl Matthei
  • 23 May 2015

I am a reluctant convert to the Swedish Method for Bible study. I read the Briefing article all of those years ago and decided to try it out in a couple of Bible study groups. It didn’t work! It didn’t seem to make group members think deeply enough about the passage, and it seemed to promote surface-level easy answers.

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Cell group day 1: City University Campus, Buenos Aires, Argentina

  • Terry Blowes
  • 23 May 2015

It was our first cell group meeting. There was Victoria, a committed student leader in her second year of university; Paula, a new person in her first year of study; and me, the missionary who had arrived to accompany and train leaders. The other people who were invited didn’t come.

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Five biblical ways to face death defiantly

  • Hannah Ploegstra
  • 29 June 2015

Sympathy cards address the sadness death causes, but few acknowledge the rage. Yet that rage is real. It should be: death is the very opposite of God and all that he has created. We should hate it. Christ did.

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Getting ready to forgive

  • David Mears
  • 26 June 2015

"Do we have to forgive people who aren't sorry?" How would you respond? Our instinct can be to rush in with some kind of ‘yes/no’ answer. What we may fail to do is consider whether or not answering the question as asked is the most helpful response.

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Down-under round-up, 24 June 2015

  • Sandy Grant
  • 24 June 2015

Charleston, forgiveness and safety, the idolatry of guns, making disciples, serving in your local church without going under, the conversion of the wallet, the Proverbs 31 man, how the church can help gay young people, how to be a welcoming and biblical church, and the GoThereFor 2.0 launch.

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Getting started with prayer

  • Ryan Snow
  • 31 July 2017

A short guide for new or young Christians to the basics of prayer.

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Sermon application missteps

  • Mikey Lynch
  • 6 February 2019

Clumsy sermon application often is the result of an individualistic grid.

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The question of the millennium

  • Stephen Leston
  • 15 June 2015

Matthias Media recently published a book by Steve Morrison called Born This Way, addressing the issue of same-sex attraction by examining both the scientific studies and what God says in the Word. After reading the book, I felt the need to write a short post to encourage others to read it too (no, I wasn’t asked by Matthias to do so!).

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Making Friends

  • Murray Campbell
  • 19 June 2015

Yes, I’ve watched The Lego Movie... Its famous song touches on something that we know intuitively to be true: working together, being part of a team, having someone to rely on and trust, is a good thing.

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