Latest Ideas

Creating the right question

  • 1 May 2009

I’ve heard it said that, in terms of relating the gospel to culture, the mistake that traditionalists make is that they give the right answers to the wrong questions; they’re answering questions that no-one is asking anymore. They’re tackling issues and fighting fights that belong to a previous generation.

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WordWatch: Jeremiah

  • Kel Richards
  • 1 May 2009

If someone accuses you of being ‘a real Jeremiah’, what are they saying about you? Is it a compliment or an insult? Last year, Anu Garg had a go at offering a definition. For the uninitiated (i.e. the non-word-obsessives), Anu is the Indian-born, American computer and word geek who runs ‘A

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Making singleness better

  • 1 May 2009

Is singleness better? I know what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 7, and I know Jesus, the ultimate human, was single, but I can't help noticing that, however much this ought to be the case, it just isn't the experience of many long-term single people. Singleness was thrust upon them

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The naked truth about porn

  • 1 May 2009

Pornography is an extremely important and complex issue, but it isn’t easy to talk about, even though it’s now a part of mainstream culture. In this insightful article, James Warren opens up the topic and asks “What is porn?”, “Why is it a problem?” and “What can we do about

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Is it easy to love our neighbours?

  • 1 May 2009

We’ve been reading the Sermon on the Mount around the dinner table, and it’s made for great discussion and interesting questions. (“Dad, why would someone want my tooth?”) Recently, we were talking about the issues Jesus raises concerning loving your neighbours and praying for those who persecute you. The discussion

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Review: "Evangelical Feminism: A new path to Liberalism?"

  • 1 April 2009

Evangelical Feminism: A new path to Liberalism? Wayne Grudem Crossway, Wheaton, 2006, 272pp. Writing or even reviewing a book about the Bible’s teaching on male and female responsibilities within marriage or the church is a task fraught with difficulty. The issue is more emotionally charged than most doctrinal or

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Review: "Living the Cross Centered Life"

  • 1 April 2009

Living the Cross Centered Life: Keeping the gospel the main thing CJ Mahaney Multnomah, Sisters, 2006. 176pp. Is there anything more important than the cross of Christ? Each of the Gospels centres on Jesus’ journey to the cross. Jesus’ wonderful mission statement in Mark 10:45 describes the goal

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Appreciating access

  • Paul Grimmond
  • 1 April 2009

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Love and the cost of change

  • 1 April 2009

There’s a saying in corporate life that goes “change will only happen if the perceived benefit is greater than the perceived cost”. Like most sayings, it makes sense: you’ll only do something new if you think the effort is worth it. Whether we like to apply corporate models to

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The gospel and the quiet time

  • 1 April 2009

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