Where to look for God

  • Tony Payne
  • 26 May 2015

Would it be possible to have the cross of Christ plastered all over your church, talked about often, celebrated in festivals, sung about weekly... but still to have a church that was essentially ignorant of the cross and its power? Martin Luther’s vigorous "yes!" to this question was at the

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What your church needs to know about church

  • Tara Sing
  • 22 May 2015

People love watching and talking about trends. Trends in the stock market, trends in prices, trends in culture, and also trends in churches. And apparently, the trend for churches in 2015 is not a good one. If the predictions are true, it looks like things are going downhill: Your

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Down-under round-up: 20 May 2015

  • Sandy Grant
  • 20 May 2015

A more concentrated list this week, since I’ve been extra busy… Issue of the week The issue last week was the book banning placed upon NSW SRE (Special Religious Education) in schools. The good news is that the ban has been overturned. This has been an early skirmish in a potentially

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The upside-down cross

  • Tony Payne
  • 19 May 2015

The recent Nexus Conference on ‘Crucified Ministry’ left me with a notebook full of scribbled thoughts and insights from a richly stimulating and encouraging day. Over the next few days, as we post video of the three main morning addresses at the conference, I’ll be reflecting on a key point

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The art of biblical interpretation: Not just like any book

  • John McClean
  • 15 May 2015

If you visit GoThereFor then you almost certainly regard reading the Bible as an important activity. You are probably involved in helping other people read and understand it. You think that reading the Bible well matters. This is the first in a series of articles that will look at how

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Down-under round-up: 13 May 2015

  • Sandy Grant
  • 13 May 2015

Issue of the week Book banning is always a worry! It’s so easily used to censor reasonable freedom of speech (which is why Christians should be slow to call for it). The web was set alight in Australia when the NSW Department of Education banned three books from use

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Learning to live in 3D

  • Lionel Windsor
  • 1 May 2015

Have you ever been watching a 3D movie wearing 3D glasses, and done that thing with your eyes? You know, that thing where you close one eye and look at the screen, then open that eye and close the other eye and look at the screen again? If you have,

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A prayer and song for this Sunday: Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran

  • Dominic Steele
  • 30 April 2015

Here’s how we are going to pray for the families of Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran at our church this Sunday. Feel free to use or adapt for your church context. We will finish our time of prayer by singing the song that Andrew and Myuran were singing as

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Down-under round-up: 29 April 2015

  • Sandy Grant
  • 29 April 2015

Issue of the week Australia and New Zealand observed the centenary of the Gallipoli landing in Turkey on 25 April 1915, a date commemorated every year as ANZAC Day (ANZAC = Australian and New Zealand Army Corps). Of the various Christian reflections around the anniversary, Murray Campbell’s The Stupidity and Brilliance

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On the path to the cancer ward

  • Jean Williams
  • 8 May 2015

There’s a chemical smell that hits you on the way to the cancer center. Some bright spark of an architect put the building’s main vents just near the entrance doors. Every time you walk up the path, the smell of chemotherapy hits you. Once you’ve been to an oncology ward,

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