I think we need to acknowledge that some Christmas traditions are just genuinely unhelpful. But what about less overt customs?
When you become complacent in your ministry and do the same programs and activities “because that’s what we have always done”, then your ministry will fail to cater to changes in culture.
Once your evangelistic course is over, what happens next?
If you’re a preacher who has ever tried to do something different in order to captivate a congregation with the truth of Scripture... at some point, you’ve fallen into the error of allowing your sermon to serve a creative idea, rather than the other way around.
As a Christian, it is easy to feel confused about how to speak into this post-Christian culture: do we share our beliefs about gender, marriage and sexuality with these mothers, or do we stay silent?
Our confidence is tested to the limit as questions are met with seemingly unending silence. “Will anyone ever speak? Are my questions that bad?” Or we answer our own questions like a solo performer in a surreal theological drama.
There are hundreds of Bible reading plans to choose from. I know because I have searched them, I have tried them, and I have failed them.
I’m talking about people who don’t struggle at all with the English language; people who might have postgraduate degrees in law or English; even people who might work with words professionally every day. So why do they need help?
Puppets give you power: power to engage and hold children’s attention, even in a crowd; power to create a ‘proxy child’ with whom the audience can identify; power to create a regular structure that children can master and within which they can learn.
You won’t walk away with a handy ten tips to improve your Bible reading. Instead, Psalm 119 will help you to see why daily time in Scripture is so important.