Ask yourself this important question when you hear good advice about building better habits: has the person, article, book, conference or good idea pointed me to Christ?
So you want to reach the lost with the gospel? Fantastic! Evangelistic courses are an effective method of doing so—particularly in a post-Christian culture. The following are small but crucial steps you can take to ensure you maximize the effectiveness of your evangelistic course.
The psalmist describes a time when he called to God “My foot is slipping!”—a sick fear and anxiety constricting his throat and churning his insides. And what steadies him? God’s unfailing love.
Who’s had the most influence on your Christian development?
A friend recommended that I read a book that I knew I would disagree with. Despite the difficulties, the more I considered the idea the more I saw value in its challenge.
Your Timothy is your second-in-command, your adviser and your protégé—just as Timothy was to Paul. How then has this worked in my ministry? How can you actually get started with your Timothy?
Do your friends know the goodness of the Christian hope? Do you?
The apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers were given to equip God’s people for the work of building the church, and the church is built by Christ through the gifts he gave to his people.
How can men in full-time ministry, charged with the responsibility of leading God’s people, love the women in the church or group they lead?
Maybe you’ve got family and friends who believe things taught by preachers that aren’t quite biblical. Having come from ‘the other side’, here's a perspective that may be of use.