Learning how to observe Scripture well enables us to get to what a text is really about. One of the best ways to observe well is by asking questions.
Sometimes, especially if we’re returning to ministries we’ve been doing for a while, we can feel less than enthusiastic.
This Proverbs 31 woman is completely consistent with the growth in Christ-likeness that God predestined for all of us.
Connecting over a shared read bridges many demographic divides.
“The pen is mightier than the sword”. Rubbish, absolute rubbish.
How to organize your family or housemates to meet together to read the Bible, pray and sing.
The world has positive value in God’s eyes, simply because it was created by him. As humans rule, we have to remember that we are ruling something God has made and that God believes is good.
The Lord is equally in control in both the times when he provides many material comforts and those when he tells us to make do.
When we teach on some passages, such as God’s good design for human sexuality and the role of men and women, our initial gut reaction is often anything but positive.
Some Christians may think, since there is only one God, that he was angry and vengeful in the Old Testament but loving and compassionate in the New.