Instructional videos from The Charles Simeon Trust

  • Various
  • 17 October 2013

The Charles Simeon Trust is an organization that seeks to increase the confidence and ability in handling God’s Word of preachers and Bible teachers. They do this in two ways: by running locally-facilitated workshops and online courses to help pastors learn methods of expository preaching, be encouraged through expositional preaching, and gather in small groups with the aim of sharpening each other’s teaching. They have made available to a selection of key instructional videos from The Simeon Course on Biblical Exposition.

This course is an online training platform singularly focused on the practice of preaching and teaching of God’s Word. Using web delivery and an HD video library of some of the best expositors and instructors in the world, participants' skills are sharpened. Any of the three courses can be taken for graduate credit: Preaching and Literary Genre (30 lessons), Preaching and Biblical Theology (15 lessons), and Preaching and Systematic Theology (15 lessons). This platform is hosted by the Charles Simeon Trust.

(Visit their site for more details of their full range of workshops and courses.)