Christianity Explored

  • 27 January 2012
What people are saying about the Course...

“This is a very fine evangelistic tool. The detailed Leader’s Guide is a treasure trove of experienced advice for conducting every aspect of the course. The beautifully produced DVD takes us through the claims of Jesus as recorded in Mark’s Gospel. And Rico Tice is one of the most engaging evangelists in the world today. Christianity Explored is an excellent course, and I warmly commend it.”

Michael Raiter, Principal, Melbourne School of Theology

“This is a brilliant resource. Rico is an extraordinary communicator, speaking to cynics and seekers with respect and passion. I don't know of a better resource for outreach. The video clips are so easy to watch, while still exploring the seriousness and wonder of the gospel. The video talks are brilliant. So easy to watch, weaved with excellent music and images.”

Dr Di Warren, EQUIP women, Sydney

"The updated Christianity Explored course is tremendous – it looks as if it’s being sanctified like all God’s servants . The DVD segments are fresh, faithful and hugely engaging. The Leader’s Guide is full of distilled helpfulness on everything from wise preparation to careful follow-up and there are great answers to biblical issues in Mark – and general tricky questions. Then the Handbook has just the simplicity and content you would hope for. We run Christianity Explored a few times every year at St Thomas but this new production gives us more reason than ever to thank God for the unbeatable good news and to get as many as possible along to hear it told so well. Watching the DVD refreshed me and stirred me to outreach."

Simon Manchester, Senior Minister, St Thomas Anglican Church, North Sydney