Nothing in my Hand I Bring (ebook: .epub or Kindle .mobi files)

  • Ray Galea
  • 2 March 2012
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When Ray Galea submitted his life to Christ, he had a problem on his hands: Which church should he go to?

"I did not want to assume that just because I was born a Catholic, this was by definition the right choice. I knew I could just as easily have been born a Baptist or a Mormon. So I spent the next six months reading and talking to priests and ministers to find out the differences between Catholics and Protestants. How did each of their teachings compare with the teaching of Jesus and the apostles?"

This book is a kind of re-tracing of Ray's investigation, looking at the key issues which continue to divide Protestants and Catholics, and assessing them in light of the teaching of Scripture.

A challenging and invaluable book for Protestants and Catholics alike.

Chapter headings:

» Growing up Catholic
» Which Catholicism?
» Christ and the Mass
» The Bible and the Church
» The way of salvation
» It's just grace
» Mary
» It is finished
» Appendix: The new Catholicism