Gospel Patrons

  • John Rinehart
  • 24 February 2014
A book of engaging stories about people whose generosity changed the world and the part we can play in the stories still to be written.

"John Rinehart has given us a wonderfully stirring portrait of gospel partnerships used mightily by God at key turning points in evangelical history.* This is a great model for Gospel Patronage today, for we urgently need new generations of courageous preachers. And they in turn need the sacrificial sponsorship and friendship of patrons who share the same burden for lost souls and love for the Saviour." Colin Marshall, Author of The Trellis and the Vine, and CEO of Vinegrowers.

* William Tyndale (publishing the Bible in English); George Whitefield (the 18th Century revival); and John Newton (the growth of the gospel and the church in England).

"Over the centuries the Lord has wonderfully raised up Christians with the means and the zeal to give very generously. While others do conventional things with their money, these people do remarkable things in oiling the wheels that carry God's Word and end up having an influence more supernatural than natural. You could read this heart-warming book by John Rinehart and love the gospel. You could read it and long to spread the gospel. But if you read it and join that great line of "Gospel Patrons"—some are described in this book—the world will (seriously) not be the same again." Simon Manchester, St Thomas' Anglican Church, North Sydney.