Down-under round-up: 6 May 2015

  • Sandy Grant
  • 6 May 2015
Not all Christians have the same amount of time or inclination to read widely. So I’m trying to save pastors, elders and other interested Christians time by selecting a bunch of the best articles round the web each week.

I’m doing it with a small bias towards stuff by Australian evangelicals that deserves wider exposure. Having said that, the North Americans provided some top stuff this week!

Issue of the week

A dreadful statistic: 34 women have died in Australia so far this year as a result of violence, often intimate partner abuse. That’s two per week. True Christians believe there is no excuse for domestic violence, never ever.

With that in mind, here’s a powerful statement about domestic abuse from Jason Meyer, the new senior pastor at the church where John Piper previously served (and is still loved). Meyer leaves no room for the abuse of complementarianism (though I’d still like a clearer integration of the place of going to the police for help as an entirely proper port of call in the face of violence). When I read through the text of his whole sermon, I was also fascinated by his unfolding of 2 Corinthians 11:20-21 in its context and how he applied it to domestic violence.

Making disciples of Jesus

Gavin Ortlund writes about when a leader lets you down. It really boils down to the last paragraph, a lesson that a new believer needs to learn early on in their Christian life:
The greatest preachers, leaders, counselors, and ministers in the church today are not worthy of our ultimate trust and allegiance. But Christ is. And he will never let us down.

When Billy Graham met Karl Barth: an excellent story with reflections on issuing the invitation, from Northern Irish Moore College lecturer Peter Orr.

Peter sides with one of our favourite Arminians! But he knows that “being born again” is from the Spirit. So the ‘must’ holds in “you must be born again”, and the only way—humanly speaking—this can happen is through faith in Christ (John 3:15)!

The Problem with Target Audience Churches, by Marty Foord of Trinity Theological College, Perth.

Loads of biblical common sense from Mark Dever on surviving a cultural crisis like same-sex marriage.

Thom Rainer shared stupid things he’s done as a pastor—just quietly, he’s not the only one!

Michael Hyatt suggests that “Readers are likely to be leaders” in ‘5 Ways Reading Makes You a Better Leader’.

Image of the week

From our friends and fellow publishers at Christian Education Publishers:
Are you leading people to the narrow road? # Matthew7:13

Matthew 7:13

I’d love to know what articles or sources people are finding most helpful. Let me know via Facebook or a tweet to @SandmanGrant!

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