Vine Journal

  • 23 September 2015

Most of the regular content on will be in ideas: short, thoughtful pieces of under 800 words.

However, it’s also important to take the time to work through some issues at more depth. That’s where Vine Journal comes in.

Vine Journal features longer articles and essays that convey the best of cross-centred theological thinking, applied to real-world evangelical ministry.

If you are a subscriber, you can download each issue using the links on the right.

Click on a cover to find out more about each issue.

Vine Journal 3

Vine Journal 2

Vine Journal 1


We expect that the readership of Vine Journal will include:

  • full-time ministry workers who have been out of theological college for five (or fifty) years, who want to keep being stimulated and encouraged
  • MTS trainees and theological students who are thinking about both ministry and theology, and how the two constantly interconnect
  • keen Christians who haven’t undertaken formal theological education but who want to deepen their knowledge and grow as disciple-making disciples
  • Former Briefing subscribers who are looking for some replacement reading!

We want Vine Journal to be accessible but not simplistic; theologically-rich but always with an eye to the implications for disciple-making; and of course well-written and designed.

Vine Journal will be published three times a year, starting in late August/September 2015, both as an ejournal and in print. The ejournal will be available free to download for everyone signed up at—whether you’re a ‘free’ member just receiving email updates or a paid member. The print option will be available as an add-on option for those who want it. 

Those of you who were subscribers when The Briefing ceased publication will receive the first two issues of Vine Journal posted to you free.