Why I've stuck around for over 30 years

  • Ian Carmichael
  • 5 June 2019

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Video Transcript

Hello, my name is Ian Carmichael, and I’ve been part of the work of Matthias Media since 1988.

On average people in Australia change jobs every 3 years or so. So staying with one organization for over thirty years is pretty unusual. And, God willing, as long as I'm useful, I’ll be part of the work for a while yet.

Why do I stick with it?

Because I think Matthias Media is making a very important contribution to the gospel cause in Australia and around the world. In fact, there’s nowhere else I’d rather work.

But contrary to what you might think, our important contribution is not just that of another Christian publishing house or book retailer. I mean, we are those things. But we’re more fundamentally promoters and agents of culture change. Our goal is to see churches and other ministries be increasingly effective in making and growing disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.

So we advocate for that goal, we provide help to churches in knowing how to pursue it, and we provide ready-to-use ministry resources that help them turn the goal into a practical reality.

There are three ways you can help us keep going with this gospel work. And, friends, we do need your help to keep our ministry going.

The first way is to make a donation to our ministry. If you see benefit in what we do, and you’re keen for it to continue and grow, then please support us financially. There’s a link below and other details about how to give, including a tax deductible option.

$10, $100, $1000, $10,000—whatever you give, I promise you we will use it well for God’s kingdom. We multiply gospel ministry more than any other ministry I can think of, as we influence thousands of church leaders and send out hundreds of thousands of resources each year.

The second way you can help us is by buying resources from us—using them, giving them away, and promoting and recommending them to others.

Honestly, don’t wait for the ministry need to occur to you; buy a stack of resources and, when they arrive, figure out how to use them. You might be surprised at the way ministry opportunities just open up and multiply when you do this.

The third way you can help us is, I hope, the obvious way. Nothing we do will be effective unless God chooses to use it in the power of his Spirit. So please add the ministry of Matthias Media to your prayer list. If you’d like a list of things to pray for, just shoot me an email and I’ll gladly send you one.

I appreciate you watching this video and even more I appreciate your partnership with Matthias Media in making disciples.

God bless.